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 Hi there, I’m Leslie, and I want to introduce you to the power of your personality type.


Reading a personality type profile that resonates with you can be affirming, but digging beneath the surface to see how it impacts your life and others’ lives—in both helpful and not-so-helpful ways—is empowering.

You probably landed here because you have a curiosity or interest in your personality type. You may have even taken a bunch of online tests to figure out your personality type. I get it. There’s something innately interesting about taking a test that can help you discover something about yourself.

But you may also have questioned those results or thought a test can’t accurately sum up your identity with a label. You may have been concerned that identifying with a personality type puts you in a box. Maybe you’ve even thought personality type systems can’t offer much beyond a few interesting insights about your behaviors. I’m here to help you take a step beyond the label and into realizations that unlock the recurrent patterns in your life.

I help ambitious and insightful people like you who care deeply about others to understand the depths of their personality type so they can connect to who they truly are and their innate potential. These things empower you to live with greater purpose and intention on a daily basis. If you want to have a positive impact in the world, your personality type is the key to help you unlock your potential.

Leslie in beige jacket looking ahead

Finding your personality type isn’t about putting you in a box.

It’s about seeing how you’re already showing up in the world and becoming equipped to make conscious choices about what matters most.

Landing on a personality type that fits like a glove will empower you to align your life with who you truly are and live each day with purpose, meaning, and intention.

Here’s where I come in!

Leslie talking with a client

I’ll support you in finding your accurate personality type so you can learn how to take conscious control of your life.

Our work together will begin with choosing a personality system and conducting an in-depth conversational typing interview. This is where we start whether you want to work with your type in the 16 Types system (based on the Jungian cognitive functions and the work of Myers and Briggs) or the Enneagram.

Unlike a forced-choice personality test, a conversation gives us the opportunity to dig deeper into the “why” behind your responses. Getting to know you through a personality typing interview helps us make immediate real-life connections that illustrate various aspects of your type in action.


Choose a personality type system:


16 TYPES / Myers-Briggs®

Discovering your mental processes empowers you to hone your natural strengths, recognize areas of tension, and generate a state of flow.

If you choose to work with the 16 Types system (based on the Jungian cognitive functions and the work of Myers and Briggs), we’ll dig below your four letters (E or I, S or N, T or F, or J or P) to see what comes naturally to you, the mental processes that create the most tension for you, and the decisions and information you’re likely to de-prioritize or defend.


Discovering your Enneagram type reveals your underlying motivation for everything and how to expand the scope of what’s possible.

If you choose to work with the Enneagram, we’ll dig beyond a surface-level type description of your Enneagram number to see your underlying motivation that unconsciously drives everything you do, think, and feel. You’ll identify these automatic and instinctual patterns to live more consciously, authentically, and intentionally.


I believe your personality type isn’t a box that limits the full expression of who you are—it gives you a roadmap for the most authentic expression of your identity.
