What does “Hello, Personality” mean?
The birth of hello, Personality
Originally, the name “Hello, Personality” emerged as a welcoming invitation to “meet” your personality type, so this was a space where we explored personality typology systems as the backdrop for personal growth.
But like any meaningful journey, this name has come to symbolize an invitation to a deeper exploration of your truest self—which goes well beyond your personality type label.
I’ve always been opposed to a personality type label as a way to define myself—and others. Your “personality” is much more than a type.
It’s a tapestry of conscious and unconscious patterns that’s shaped by many things.
Personality typology frameworks can help shine a light on the ways in which some of these patterns serve you while others dim the light of who you truly are.
Even though these typology systems offer a helpful starting point that can guide you toward meaningful inner work, I’ve always wanted to move beyond just helping you discover your personality type.
The thing I noticed, though, is that many of us—myself included—can get stuck on trying to narrow in on a specific type code.
However, by borrowing concepts from these systems—and combining them with other modalities—we can experience transformation on a deeper level and from a more holistic perspective.
now, the Name is truly More Than a Greeting.
So today, “Hello, Personality” represents much more than an introduction to personality type.
It’s an invitation to greet every facet of yourself—with curiosity and compassion—in order to discover what wants to be healed, released, or fully expressed. By examining what lies beneath the surface, you can uncover the gifts and insights that lead to your most authentic and awakened self.
In other words, saying “hello” to the whole of your personality is saying “yes” to a deeper exploration of who you truly are meant to be—not just who you’re used to being based on old, worn-out patterns from your head, heart, and body.
While personality tools can spark new levels of self-awareness, the real transformation happens when you allow yourself to transcend the old, limiting patterns and connect with your innate wisdom.
If you’ve felt a call to go deeper, to move beyond autopilot and embrace the essence that longs to emerge, you’re in the right place. Welcome to Hello, Personality—an invitation to a deeper awakening.
A note about the time BHP (Before Hello, Personality):
Years ago when I first began as a “coach for INFJ women,” I wanted to help other women feel understood, accepted, and seen while also helping them to move forward in areas in which they felt stuck.
I had such as powerful experience when I was first typed as an INFJ years before. At the time, I found the ways that the “INFJ” type and the Enneagram 4 type were described online to be deeply validating. This inspired and motivated me to help other women have a similar experience with personality type.
So, when I was sitting at the precipice of a major change in my life, I began to write The INFJ Life, a weekly email. After several months of writing, and a months-long coach training program—plus investments of time, energy, and money to learn more about personality typology—I began offering coaching and typing services.
Spoiler alert: I no longer identify as INFJ…or any of the other Myers-Briggs types.
When I felt that INFJ no longer fit, I began to explore other types in this system, including ENTJ. I had good reasons for seeing aspects of this type, too. So as weird as it sounds, it made sense at the time.
But as I’ve moved farther and farther along my own growth path, I’ve become more convinced that narrowing in on a particular type label—especially in a cognitive-based system such as Myers-Briggs—is no longer helpful (for me).
However, the beautiful thing is that the exploration of these types were some of the first steps toward strengthening my relationship with myself and my own unfolding transformation.
To sum it up, though, all this means that I no longer use a type label from the MB system to describe myself.
I’ve been typed as:
If you know this typology system, you know that these types cover all eight of the cognitive functions. 😅
Each one has been thoroughly explored through self-observation and reflection—none of which was wasted time.
Creating the Hello, Personality brand was a way for me to expand my business from just working with INFJ women to working with all people of all types and as I shared above, the business was originally focused on helping people discover their personality type.
Now, as you saw above, it represents so much more.
As an interesting side note…the decision to re-launch as Hello, Personality (from The INFJ Life) actually came before I disconnected from the INFJ type label…but this move coincided nicely with what was already developing internally. Talk about synchronicity!
I hope you’ll join me in a more expansive and multi-faceted exploration of your inner light.