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Your Enneagram
Personality Type

Let’s unearth your underlying—and mostly unconscious—motivation for everything.

Discovering your Enneagram type will help you uncover who you truly are apart from the patterns of behavior you’ve developed in your work, relationships, and personal life. Over time, the patterns you’ve developed to survive in the world became the go-to—and overused—ways of getting your needs met. An over-reliance on the same repeated patterns limits the scope of what’s available to truly meet your needs. What this also means is that your Enneagram-related gifts end up becoming challenges. Working with your Enneagram type can help you change these blocks back into gifts.


Say hello to your Enneagram type!

Your Enneagram type helps you identify which core set of patterns you developed and how to expand your awareness beyond the small sliver of reality you see when looking through the lens of your Enneagram type. When you use the Enneagram to self-reflect and self-observe, you begin to see your life in a whole new light. This is one of the first steps toward more conscious, purposeful, and intentional living.

The Enneagram Personality System is the best fit for you if…

  • You want to understand how your gifts have become challenges.

  • You want to identify, understand, and observe your unconscious motivations.

  • You want a multi-dimensional approach to living more consciously and intentionally that involves your heart, mind, and body.


How is this different from the number I got on an Enneagram test?

All personality tests offer a starting point for your transformation journey. Even if an Enneagram test correctly identifies your personality type, it doesn’t support you in knowing where to start or how to begin growing using knowledge of your type. The Enneagram is a multi-faceted tool that offers many ways to expand the scope of what’s available to you by reducing the hold of your automatic type patterns. In other words, it can be difficult to know which aspect of the Enneagram would work best for what you’re going through right now.

You are complex, and the questions on a personality test can’t tap into your depth. Taking an Enneagram test may provide some initial insights—if it types you correctly—but it can also lead to more questions than answers.

If your core motivation acts out in largely unconscious ways, it’s a lot to ask a test to identify your deepest motivations. Most tests are designed to identify the surface-level and more stereotypical behaviors related to each Enneagram type.

If you’re an Enneagram countertype, or if you’ve already done some inner growth work, this can make Enneagram tests even less accurate. Many people find it difficult to truly see and observe themselves which can make it difficult to pick one of the multiple-choice options that describe you. This is completely normal!


I love helping people find their true Enneagram type so they can have more conscious control over the direction of their life for a more purposeful and meaningful life.


Learn what you’re missing when you take an Enneagram test:


Finding your Enneagram type may be fun, but there’s so much more available beyond defining yourself by a number.

Identifying your type and what lies beyond it will give you the tools to change your life. Interrupting your automatic patterns and being empowered to take conscious actions will remove the veil that blocks you from being who you were created to be.

To help you accurately identify your Enneagram type, I use an in-depth conversational typing method. I started out using the Integrative Enneagram IEQ9 assessment but discovered that this conversational method of finding your type—with a real person who knows how type shows up in real people—is so much more accurate and impactful for people who want to experience transformation. In this video, I share a little more about this method and why it’s so powerful.


I partner with you in creating a personalized growth plan based on insights from your typing interview and your intentions for living a life of purpose.

After your initial package identifies your Enneagram personality (Level 1), you’ll have the option to continue working with me to debrief the insights gained from targeted self-observation. When you invest in Level 2, you’ll receive personalized coaching sessions to create a plan for taking action on the insights you gained while observing yourself through the lens of your personality type.

Are you ready?


I want to meet my Enneagram type!

So how do I begin?


Step 1

Review this three-leveled approach available to you. All clients begin at Level 1, but if you want to keep moving beyond this initial level, you have options:

  • Level 1: This is where it all begins. Over the course of two sessions, we’ll gain a clear and accurate picture of your Enneagram personality type.

    This package includes:

    ✔︎ Personality Type Interview

    ✔︎ Accuracy Verification Process

    ✔︎ Unveiling your core motivation

    ✔︎ Identification of your dominant instinct for survival

    ✔︎ In-depth explanation of your personality type

    ✔︎ Practical growth ideas that you can take action on right now

    ✔︎ Curated list of type-specific resources

    ✔︎ Priority responses to any follow-up emails and questions you have.

    The investment is $397 (includes two sessions/3 hours)

  • Level 2: For those who want to get to know themselves on a more profound level, this is your next step! Available for those who have completed Level 1. More information is available for those who invest in and complete Level 1.

  • Level 3: For those truly serious about transforming their understanding of themselves and others and who are committed to taking action on their personalized plan for transformation and expansion. More information is available to those who invest in and complete Levels 1 + 2.

Step 2

Complete an application for Level 1.

Step 3

I’ll be in touch with more information and a response to your application.


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