S4 E8 - You’ll meet Ivy (Type 5) in this episode which continues a series of interviews exploring the intersection of the Enneagram and Emotional Intelligence. Ivy and I talk about paying attention to her emotions and her work with accepting and actually feeling them. She also shares her relationship and connection to her body sensations as she uses the fear she feels in the interview to connect to the body sensations it evokes. Ivy also shares something she thinks is very important to know about Type 5s and that she sees as a big misconception.

About Ivy:

Ivy is originally from western Nebraska. She grew up with a close connection to nature and her time in Nebraska was filled with whatever sport was in season. She moved out East and studied philosophy at a small college in Virginia where she met her husband. She and her husband currently live in Virginia Beach, Virginia with their 3 littles. Ivy is a full-time mom and loves Indian food, traveling, tennis, dissecting movies, and learning about occult things. She identifies as a Type 5, an INTP, Libra sun with an Aquarius moon, and a millennial—all of which explain why, underneath the mask, she mostly feels like weird Barbie.

Ivy became endlessly fascinated with all things psychology and spirituality after stumbling her way into a spiritual opening with no background in spirituality to understand what was happening. Alongside her personal studies, she has been doing group inner work with the Chestnut-Paes Enneagram Academy.