S2, E10 - We have Samantha Mackay joining us in this episode to talk about what it's like to being part of the Head Center as a SP7. She shares with us what it's really like to experience the benefits and struggles of head types and explains that there's more going on for a Type 7 than you might think at first glance. Samantha also compares and contrasts her experiences with those of Types 5 and 6.

Samantha is a personal development coach, specializing in using the Enneagram for personal transformation and growth. Following a prolonged journey with chronic illness, anxiety and burnout, Samantha founded Individuo to help people remember that just because they are sick or don’t fit it, doesn’t mean they are broken. She helps people develop practices that reconnect them to their wholeness and to live with compassion, curiosity, and creativity that enriches every aspect of their lives. Learn more at individuo.co.nz.

Enneagram Passions + Virtues (S2E3)
Enneagram Instincts + Subtypes (S2E4)
Introduction to Centers of Intelligence + Body Type Subtypes (S2E5)
Enneagram Level 1 Package (Let's work together!)

Samantha’s website:
